Noble Wings Academy offers a full range of aviation training. Already during the first conversations, we try to listen to your needs in order to best match the type and methodology of training, focusing on quality and individual approach to the client. The bulk of our activity is intensive training of professional pilots according to the 0-ATPL scheme, but the growing popularity of private aviation means that every year the number of clients for whom flying is a way to spend their free time or for whom the plane is becoming more and more a natural means of transport is growing, shortening the time of private or business travel.
Everyone will find their place with us and training tailored perfectly to their own needs. NWA is not a “pilot factory”. You will not be anonymous with us. 191 / 5 000 Wyniki tłumaczenia Tłumaczenie star_border That is why we assign a leading instructor to each client, who will be your personal advisor and guardian throughout the training, taking care of good planning and effective learning.
Familiarize yourself with our training offer. If you have any questions, doubts or thoughts – call or write. We’d love to talk about flying!
The flight aims to familiarize you with the specifics of airplane training and to check whether flying will be an adventure for you for life We invite you to break away from reality and virtual adventures in three dimensions. We will show you the world of aviation from its most beautiful and exciting side.
57h of stationary training as part of weekend sessions and 43h of self-education. The lecturers are exclusively pilots with experience in airline and corporate aviation. In addition to standard lectures, we conduct a number of workshops and exercises in the skills required in further practical training.
The PPL(A) license is the first step into the world of aviation. The basic entitlement that will allow you to enjoy the charms of flying. Implemented on the proven, excellent in piloting Piper PA-38 Tomahawk aircraft or the modern Viper SD-4 – an aircraft with a glass cockpit avionics.
Basic Aircraft License. You will obtain the right to fly even 4-seater planes weighing up to 2500 kg. You can then upgrade your PPL(A) entitlements.

UPRT - Advanced
143 / 5 000 Wyniki tłumaczenia Tłumaczenie star_border A course during which you will learn the correct reactions and appropriate maneuvers that will help you get the plane out of abnormal attitudes. You improve your piloting skills as well as safety and your activities. It is also a formal requirement for recruitment in airlines.
Flight instructor training. Under the guidance of our experienced staff, you will gain the necessary knowledge and skills needed to teach pilotage from scratch.
Training for the CPL(A) professional license conducted on SEP(L) aircraft. It includes 10 hours of BIR (Basic IR) module, 10 hours of cross-country flights and 5 hours of flights on a great and unique complex Commander 114TC aircraft. The training will be conducted only by airline and corporate pilots with extensive professional experience.
The training will be conducted only by airline and corporate pilots with extensive professional experience. The program includes over 550 hours of classes in the so-called Distance Learning Courses and 90 hours of lectures conducted stationary by our lecturers. The training ends with an internal exam at the training center. The completed theoretical course allows you to obtain an IR (Instrument Rating – instrument flights) and a professional license (CPL).
preparation for the ICAO exam:
The hourly rate for a flight with a proven, excellent in piloting PA-38 aircraft or a modern Viper SD4. Available to licensed pilots. We also offer training with an instructor.